"[New] Swift Success with TikTok Following  Key Strategies Unleashed for 2024"

"[New] Swift Success with TikTok Following Key Strategies Unleashed for 2024"

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Swift Success with TikTok Following: Key Strategies Unleashed

Get Free Followers on TikTok in 10 Ways

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Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free TikTok Followers

Social media are offering access to huge audiences, but reaching millions of people is still a challenge that requires a lot of creativity, effort, and planning. TikTok platform, like Instagram or YouTube, can help you become an online celebrity with hundreds of thousands of followers. However, if you want to make your dreams come true, all you have to do is find a way to get ahead of the competition. There are numerous strategies you can use to grow your followers on TikTok, including shortcuts and long-term strategies. In this article, we are going to show you the two methods of getting free TikTok followers.

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Shortcuts to Boost TikTok Followers

Undoubtedly, becoming famous on TikTok is very attractive for lots of TikTok users. No one will be unhappy when he(she) saw the increasing followers of his(her) account, which is closer to his(her) dream of becoming a well-known TikTok influencer. As a result, many TikTokers start to look for the fastest way of getting free TikTok followers.

Here are several apps that may help you achieve your goal.

1. TikFans

As one of the largest TikTok community in the world, TikTokers are able to help each other here to boost account in different aspects like growing free likes and followers. Importantly, this app is free to use.


2. InstaFollowers

InstaFollowers is another tool that you can not only grow Instagram followers but also boost your account on other social media platforms including Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. You can choose its free trial before deciding to buy followers.


Source: instafollowers.co

I have to admit the shortcuts of growing TikTok followers are really attractive. However, every coin has two sides. Have you ever thought about the engagement rate of your content if the followers are not real? In the long run, I suggest you could try other tips to skyrocket growth On TikTok. Just keep reading.

How to Get Free Followers on TikTok?

Creating short music videos and posting them online, demands a lot of work because you have to select the song you’re going to use, capture the footage perfectly and edit it before you can share a video on your TikTok profile. Throughout all of the stages of this process, there are things you can do that can help you attract a broad audience, so let’s take a look at some of the best ways to increase the reach of your videos.

This is a simple and effective way to gain the attention of TikTok’s most influential users. Pinpoint the most successful Musers in your niche and follow and unfollow them until they follow you back. Although it may seem silly, this strategy actually works, because, after enough attempts, your favorite members of the platform will look at your profile, and follow you back if they like what they see. Try to comment on their videos, because TikTok stars share on their profiles can potentially increase the chances of being followed back, especially if your comments are always on point. Some of the people whose work you appreciate maybe even willing to share their secrets and help you get more followers.

2. Make Your Profile Look Charming

Charming Profile on TikTok

Every little detail matters when it comes to optimizing your profile. The profile picture, username, or the personal information you provide can all leave a strong impression on people who visit your profile. A long username that is hard to remember isn’t going to help you gain more recognition, mostly because everyone is going to forget it soon after they hear it. Pick a short and catchy username that stands out and try avoiding using different usernames on different social media accounts. Let others know what types of videos they can expect from you by mentioning that you love making fitness videos, vlogs, or simple music videos in which you showcase your singing talents. However, it is also indispensable to be as specific as you can, so besides saying that you’re producing fitness videos, it’s also helpful if you mention that you’re making yoga or aerobics videos. Your profile is the first step to establishing communication with new followers, which is why it is important to do everything you can to encourage others to hit the follow button and start communicating with you.

3. Participate in Viral Challenges

Following the latest social media trends is necessary because it enables you to see what other types of content are popular at the moment. Viral challenges, like the recent Kiki challenge, often involve singing and dancing to a popular song, which is why they are a great choice of content for the TikTok platform that is mostly dedicated to music videos. Using trending hashtags in the posts you share on your profile will make your viral challenge videos visible to millions of people, and it can increase your number of followers drastically in just a few days. In addition, a challenge can inspire you to explore a specific topic or a music genre further and help you build an easily recognizable style that can expand the size of your fanbase.

4. Post Your Videos on Other Social Networks

Don’t limit yourself to just one social media account because if you do so, you won’t be able to reach the audiences on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram. Facebook alone has 2 billion active users each month, while the size of the audience on YouTube isn’t much smaller. Managing accounts on several social networks under the same name is also an effective way to build your online reputation because people will remember the name they saw on one platform. As a result, they will start following you on the other. Posting music and all various types of videos on multiple social media accounts also means that they are going to be shared by a larger number of people.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Collaborate with Others

Being a one-man or a one-woman show doesn’t always pay off, especially if you’re just starting out. Recording a duo with an equally talented friend or making any other type of collab video can have a positive impact on the size of your fanbase. It is important to choose the people you work with carefully because content creators that already have a lot of followers might not be interested in collaborating with you if the number of followers you have is significantly lower than theirs. The people you choose to work with should also share your passion for the type of video you’re hoping to create since there is no point in inviting someone to make a comedy video with you if their main interest is in fashion. After selecting the person, you’re going to collaborate with. You can use the TikTok’s Duet option that offers an easy way to create a music video with someone who shares your taste in music.

6. Use Video Editing Apps to Make Impressive Videos

All videos, regardless of how short they are, benefit from the video editing process. You don’t have to use professional video editor like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut to edit the videos you share on TikTok, because some other video editing apps offer more eye-catching filters and effects to make a captivating short music video. One of them is Filmora . The TikTok app enables you to remove all unwanted parts of the video clips you recorded, and it also features a rich library of visual effects, but it lacks some more advanced video editing options. If you’d like to create the ghost effect or to clone yourself using apps such as Video Star, Triller or MuStar is a much better option, because they offer a wider range of video editing tools than TikTok. You can also learn more user-created content from User Gallery to empower video creation.

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7. Be Unique and Innovative

Find your own voice, because everyone else’s voice is already taken. If you try to imitate the content other creators produce, you’ll never find your own distinctive style. What’s more, the viewers of your video can easily see if you’re really enjoying making the video or not, and in many cases, that may be the reason why they decide to skip hitting the follow button. Chose topics that you’re passionate about because if you’re just following the trends, the content you produce may seem generic. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and do something new every once in a while. Just to see how your followers react. More often than not, you’ll discover something your fans adore, and you’ll attract new followers that liked your eagerness to try out new things.

8. Keep Things Short and Concise

It is not possible to record videos with the TikTok app that last longer than sixty seconds. Therefore, sticking to the one-minute limit is probably the best way to ensure that your followers watch all videos you post on your account from the beginning until the end. There is no time limit for videos you upload to your account, so you can use your phone’s camera app to make videos that are longer than one minute. However, you should tread carefully since the longer duration of a video can discourage viewers from watching the entire video. Producing short music videos can be a challenging task, but it is also a great way to showcase your creativity and inspire others to follow your work.

9. You’re Entertainer, Act Like One

Entertainer on TikTok

How can you expect others to have fun while watching your videos, if you don’t have fun making them? Be spontaneous, and enjoy your time in front of the camera. That way you can always keep the spectator guessing what you’re going to do next. Put on a good show, that will leave the viewers of your videos wanting to see more. You can accomplish this by adding a lot of humor to the video or by simply enjoying the moment and going with the flow. Even though there are no recipes to the success of the content you post on the TikTok platform, focusing on your performance while remembering to be funny at times is going to help you increase the number of followers.

10. Post New Content At Magic Hours

Sharing new content at least twice a day will eventually get you a massive following, because it will improve the exposure your videos are getting, but you also have to post videos at the right time. The magic posting hours on TikTok are between 11 am and 5 pm as your followers and their friends are most likely to use the app in that time frame. Get to know your audience and try to understand how frequently and at which hours they’re using the TikTok app. This will help you create a posting schedule that minimizes the chances of posting videos during parts of the day when they get the least amount of exposure.


Be different, be unique, and provide high-quality entertainment to your followers. Try to offer something fresh that will sweep your audience off their feet. The TikTok app features a nearly endless supply of music and video editing options that enable you to express your creativity freely. However, just producing great videos is not enough to attract large audiences since you also have to employ your marketing skills if you want to grow your fanbase. Which strategies for growing followers do you use? Leave a comment and let us know.

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author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free TikTok Followers

Social media are offering access to huge audiences, but reaching millions of people is still a challenge that requires a lot of creativity, effort, and planning. TikTok platform, like Instagram or YouTube, can help you become an online celebrity with hundreds of thousands of followers. However, if you want to make your dreams come true, all you have to do is find a way to get ahead of the competition. There are numerous strategies you can use to grow your followers on TikTok, including shortcuts and long-term strategies. In this article, we are going to show you the two methods of getting free TikTok followers.

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Shortcuts to Boost TikTok Followers

Undoubtedly, becoming famous on TikTok is very attractive for lots of TikTok users. No one will be unhappy when he(she) saw the increasing followers of his(her) account, which is closer to his(her) dream of becoming a well-known TikTok influencer. As a result, many TikTokers start to look for the fastest way of getting free TikTok followers.

Here are several apps that may help you achieve your goal.

1. TikFans

As one of the largest TikTok community in the world, TikTokers are able to help each other here to boost account in different aspects like growing free likes and followers. Importantly, this app is free to use.


2. InstaFollowers

InstaFollowers is another tool that you can not only grow Instagram followers but also boost your account on other social media platforms including Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. You can choose its free trial before deciding to buy followers.


Source: instafollowers.co

I have to admit the shortcuts of growing TikTok followers are really attractive. However, every coin has two sides. Have you ever thought about the engagement rate of your content if the followers are not real? In the long run, I suggest you could try other tips to skyrocket growth On TikTok. Just keep reading.

How to Get Free Followers on TikTok?

Creating short music videos and posting them online, demands a lot of work because you have to select the song you’re going to use, capture the footage perfectly and edit it before you can share a video on your TikTok profile. Throughout all of the stages of this process, there are things you can do that can help you attract a broad audience, so let’s take a look at some of the best ways to increase the reach of your videos.

This is a simple and effective way to gain the attention of TikTok’s most influential users. Pinpoint the most successful Musers in your niche and follow and unfollow them until they follow you back. Although it may seem silly, this strategy actually works, because, after enough attempts, your favorite members of the platform will look at your profile, and follow you back if they like what they see. Try to comment on their videos, because TikTok stars share on their profiles can potentially increase the chances of being followed back, especially if your comments are always on point. Some of the people whose work you appreciate maybe even willing to share their secrets and help you get more followers.

2. Make Your Profile Look Charming

Charming Profile on TikTok

Every little detail matters when it comes to optimizing your profile. The profile picture, username, or the personal information you provide can all leave a strong impression on people who visit your profile. A long username that is hard to remember isn’t going to help you gain more recognition, mostly because everyone is going to forget it soon after they hear it. Pick a short and catchy username that stands out and try avoiding using different usernames on different social media accounts. Let others know what types of videos they can expect from you by mentioning that you love making fitness videos, vlogs, or simple music videos in which you showcase your singing talents. However, it is also indispensable to be as specific as you can, so besides saying that you’re producing fitness videos, it’s also helpful if you mention that you’re making yoga or aerobics videos. Your profile is the first step to establishing communication with new followers, which is why it is important to do everything you can to encourage others to hit the follow button and start communicating with you.

3. Participate in Viral Challenges

Following the latest social media trends is necessary because it enables you to see what other types of content are popular at the moment. Viral challenges, like the recent Kiki challenge, often involve singing and dancing to a popular song, which is why they are a great choice of content for the TikTok platform that is mostly dedicated to music videos. Using trending hashtags in the posts you share on your profile will make your viral challenge videos visible to millions of people, and it can increase your number of followers drastically in just a few days. In addition, a challenge can inspire you to explore a specific topic or a music genre further and help you build an easily recognizable style that can expand the size of your fanbase.

4. Post Your Videos on Other Social Networks

Don’t limit yourself to just one social media account because if you do so, you won’t be able to reach the audiences on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram. Facebook alone has 2 billion active users each month, while the size of the audience on YouTube isn’t much smaller. Managing accounts on several social networks under the same name is also an effective way to build your online reputation because people will remember the name they saw on one platform. As a result, they will start following you on the other. Posting music and all various types of videos on multiple social media accounts also means that they are going to be shared by a larger number of people.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Collaborate with Others

Being a one-man or a one-woman show doesn’t always pay off, especially if you’re just starting out. Recording a duo with an equally talented friend or making any other type of collab video can have a positive impact on the size of your fanbase. It is important to choose the people you work with carefully because content creators that already have a lot of followers might not be interested in collaborating with you if the number of followers you have is significantly lower than theirs. The people you choose to work with should also share your passion for the type of video you’re hoping to create since there is no point in inviting someone to make a comedy video with you if their main interest is in fashion. After selecting the person, you’re going to collaborate with. You can use the TikTok’s Duet option that offers an easy way to create a music video with someone who shares your taste in music.

6. Use Video Editing Apps to Make Impressive Videos

All videos, regardless of how short they are, benefit from the video editing process. You don’t have to use professional video editor like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut to edit the videos you share on TikTok, because some other video editing apps offer more eye-catching filters and effects to make a captivating short music video. One of them is Filmora . The TikTok app enables you to remove all unwanted parts of the video clips you recorded, and it also features a rich library of visual effects, but it lacks some more advanced video editing options. If you’d like to create the ghost effect or to clone yourself using apps such as Video Star, Triller or MuStar is a much better option, because they offer a wider range of video editing tools than TikTok. You can also learn more user-created content from User Gallery to empower video creation.

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7. Be Unique and Innovative

Find your own voice, because everyone else’s voice is already taken. If you try to imitate the content other creators produce, you’ll never find your own distinctive style. What’s more, the viewers of your video can easily see if you’re really enjoying making the video or not, and in many cases, that may be the reason why they decide to skip hitting the follow button. Chose topics that you’re passionate about because if you’re just following the trends, the content you produce may seem generic. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and do something new every once in a while. Just to see how your followers react. More often than not, you’ll discover something your fans adore, and you’ll attract new followers that liked your eagerness to try out new things.

8. Keep Things Short and Concise

It is not possible to record videos with the TikTok app that last longer than sixty seconds. Therefore, sticking to the one-minute limit is probably the best way to ensure that your followers watch all videos you post on your account from the beginning until the end. There is no time limit for videos you upload to your account, so you can use your phone’s camera app to make videos that are longer than one minute. However, you should tread carefully since the longer duration of a video can discourage viewers from watching the entire video. Producing short music videos can be a challenging task, but it is also a great way to showcase your creativity and inspire others to follow your work.

9. You’re Entertainer, Act Like One

Entertainer on TikTok

How can you expect others to have fun while watching your videos, if you don’t have fun making them? Be spontaneous, and enjoy your time in front of the camera. That way you can always keep the spectator guessing what you’re going to do next. Put on a good show, that will leave the viewers of your videos wanting to see more. You can accomplish this by adding a lot of humor to the video or by simply enjoying the moment and going with the flow. Even though there are no recipes to the success of the content you post on the TikTok platform, focusing on your performance while remembering to be funny at times is going to help you increase the number of followers.

10. Post New Content At Magic Hours

Sharing new content at least twice a day will eventually get you a massive following, because it will improve the exposure your videos are getting, but you also have to post videos at the right time. The magic posting hours on TikTok are between 11 am and 5 pm as your followers and their friends are most likely to use the app in that time frame. Get to know your audience and try to understand how frequently and at which hours they’re using the TikTok app. This will help you create a posting schedule that minimizes the chances of posting videos during parts of the day when they get the least amount of exposure.


Be different, be unique, and provide high-quality entertainment to your followers. Try to offer something fresh that will sweep your audience off their feet. The TikTok app features a nearly endless supply of music and video editing options that enable you to express your creativity freely. However, just producing great videos is not enough to attract large audiences since you also have to employ your marketing skills if you want to grow your fanbase. Which strategies for growing followers do you use? Leave a comment and let us know.

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author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free TikTok Followers

Social media are offering access to huge audiences, but reaching millions of people is still a challenge that requires a lot of creativity, effort, and planning. TikTok platform, like Instagram or YouTube, can help you become an online celebrity with hundreds of thousands of followers. However, if you want to make your dreams come true, all you have to do is find a way to get ahead of the competition. There are numerous strategies you can use to grow your followers on TikTok, including shortcuts and long-term strategies. In this article, we are going to show you the two methods of getting free TikTok followers.

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A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

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Shortcuts to Boost TikTok Followers

Undoubtedly, becoming famous on TikTok is very attractive for lots of TikTok users. No one will be unhappy when he(she) saw the increasing followers of his(her) account, which is closer to his(her) dream of becoming a well-known TikTok influencer. As a result, many TikTokers start to look for the fastest way of getting free TikTok followers.

Here are several apps that may help you achieve your goal.

1. TikFans

As one of the largest TikTok community in the world, TikTokers are able to help each other here to boost account in different aspects like growing free likes and followers. Importantly, this app is free to use.


2. InstaFollowers

InstaFollowers is another tool that you can not only grow Instagram followers but also boost your account on other social media platforms including Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. You can choose its free trial before deciding to buy followers.


Source: instafollowers.co

I have to admit the shortcuts of growing TikTok followers are really attractive. However, every coin has two sides. Have you ever thought about the engagement rate of your content if the followers are not real? In the long run, I suggest you could try other tips to skyrocket growth On TikTok. Just keep reading.

How to Get Free Followers on TikTok?

Creating short music videos and posting them online, demands a lot of work because you have to select the song you’re going to use, capture the footage perfectly and edit it before you can share a video on your TikTok profile. Throughout all of the stages of this process, there are things you can do that can help you attract a broad audience, so let’s take a look at some of the best ways to increase the reach of your videos.

This is a simple and effective way to gain the attention of TikTok’s most influential users. Pinpoint the most successful Musers in your niche and follow and unfollow them until they follow you back. Although it may seem silly, this strategy actually works, because, after enough attempts, your favorite members of the platform will look at your profile, and follow you back if they like what they see. Try to comment on their videos, because TikTok stars share on their profiles can potentially increase the chances of being followed back, especially if your comments are always on point. Some of the people whose work you appreciate maybe even willing to share their secrets and help you get more followers.

2. Make Your Profile Look Charming

Charming Profile on TikTok

Every little detail matters when it comes to optimizing your profile. The profile picture, username, or the personal information you provide can all leave a strong impression on people who visit your profile. A long username that is hard to remember isn’t going to help you gain more recognition, mostly because everyone is going to forget it soon after they hear it. Pick a short and catchy username that stands out and try avoiding using different usernames on different social media accounts. Let others know what types of videos they can expect from you by mentioning that you love making fitness videos, vlogs, or simple music videos in which you showcase your singing talents. However, it is also indispensable to be as specific as you can, so besides saying that you’re producing fitness videos, it’s also helpful if you mention that you’re making yoga or aerobics videos. Your profile is the first step to establishing communication with new followers, which is why it is important to do everything you can to encourage others to hit the follow button and start communicating with you.

3. Participate in Viral Challenges

Following the latest social media trends is necessary because it enables you to see what other types of content are popular at the moment. Viral challenges, like the recent Kiki challenge, often involve singing and dancing to a popular song, which is why they are a great choice of content for the TikTok platform that is mostly dedicated to music videos. Using trending hashtags in the posts you share on your profile will make your viral challenge videos visible to millions of people, and it can increase your number of followers drastically in just a few days. In addition, a challenge can inspire you to explore a specific topic or a music genre further and help you build an easily recognizable style that can expand the size of your fanbase.

4. Post Your Videos on Other Social Networks

Don’t limit yourself to just one social media account because if you do so, you won’t be able to reach the audiences on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram. Facebook alone has 2 billion active users each month, while the size of the audience on YouTube isn’t much smaller. Managing accounts on several social networks under the same name is also an effective way to build your online reputation because people will remember the name they saw on one platform. As a result, they will start following you on the other. Posting music and all various types of videos on multiple social media accounts also means that they are going to be shared by a larger number of people.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Collaborate with Others

Being a one-man or a one-woman show doesn’t always pay off, especially if you’re just starting out. Recording a duo with an equally talented friend or making any other type of collab video can have a positive impact on the size of your fanbase. It is important to choose the people you work with carefully because content creators that already have a lot of followers might not be interested in collaborating with you if the number of followers you have is significantly lower than theirs. The people you choose to work with should also share your passion for the type of video you’re hoping to create since there is no point in inviting someone to make a comedy video with you if their main interest is in fashion. After selecting the person, you’re going to collaborate with. You can use the TikTok’s Duet option that offers an easy way to create a music video with someone who shares your taste in music.

6. Use Video Editing Apps to Make Impressive Videos

All videos, regardless of how short they are, benefit from the video editing process. You don’t have to use professional video editor like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut to edit the videos you share on TikTok, because some other video editing apps offer more eye-catching filters and effects to make a captivating short music video. One of them is Filmora . The TikTok app enables you to remove all unwanted parts of the video clips you recorded, and it also features a rich library of visual effects, but it lacks some more advanced video editing options. If you’d like to create the ghost effect or to clone yourself using apps such as Video Star, Triller or MuStar is a much better option, because they offer a wider range of video editing tools than TikTok. You can also learn more user-created content from User Gallery to empower video creation.

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7. Be Unique and Innovative

Find your own voice, because everyone else’s voice is already taken. If you try to imitate the content other creators produce, you’ll never find your own distinctive style. What’s more, the viewers of your video can easily see if you’re really enjoying making the video or not, and in many cases, that may be the reason why they decide to skip hitting the follow button. Chose topics that you’re passionate about because if you’re just following the trends, the content you produce may seem generic. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and do something new every once in a while. Just to see how your followers react. More often than not, you’ll discover something your fans adore, and you’ll attract new followers that liked your eagerness to try out new things.

8. Keep Things Short and Concise

It is not possible to record videos with the TikTok app that last longer than sixty seconds. Therefore, sticking to the one-minute limit is probably the best way to ensure that your followers watch all videos you post on your account from the beginning until the end. There is no time limit for videos you upload to your account, so you can use your phone’s camera app to make videos that are longer than one minute. However, you should tread carefully since the longer duration of a video can discourage viewers from watching the entire video. Producing short music videos can be a challenging task, but it is also a great way to showcase your creativity and inspire others to follow your work.

9. You’re Entertainer, Act Like One

Entertainer on TikTok

How can you expect others to have fun while watching your videos, if you don’t have fun making them? Be spontaneous, and enjoy your time in front of the camera. That way you can always keep the spectator guessing what you’re going to do next. Put on a good show, that will leave the viewers of your videos wanting to see more. You can accomplish this by adding a lot of humor to the video or by simply enjoying the moment and going with the flow. Even though there are no recipes to the success of the content you post on the TikTok platform, focusing on your performance while remembering to be funny at times is going to help you increase the number of followers.

10. Post New Content At Magic Hours

Sharing new content at least twice a day will eventually get you a massive following, because it will improve the exposure your videos are getting, but you also have to post videos at the right time. The magic posting hours on TikTok are between 11 am and 5 pm as your followers and their friends are most likely to use the app in that time frame. Get to know your audience and try to understand how frequently and at which hours they’re using the TikTok app. This will help you create a posting schedule that minimizes the chances of posting videos during parts of the day when they get the least amount of exposure.


Be different, be unique, and provide high-quality entertainment to your followers. Try to offer something fresh that will sweep your audience off their feet. The TikTok app features a nearly endless supply of music and video editing options that enable you to express your creativity freely. However, just producing great videos is not enough to attract large audiences since you also have to employ your marketing skills if you want to grow your fanbase. Which strategies for growing followers do you use? Leave a comment and let us know.

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author avatar

Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Free TikTok Followers

Social media are offering access to huge audiences, but reaching millions of people is still a challenge that requires a lot of creativity, effort, and planning. TikTok platform, like Instagram or YouTube, can help you become an online celebrity with hundreds of thousands of followers. However, if you want to make your dreams come true, all you have to do is find a way to get ahead of the competition. There are numerous strategies you can use to grow your followers on TikTok, including shortcuts and long-term strategies. In this article, we are going to show you the two methods of getting free TikTok followers.

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A cross-platform for making videos anywhere for all creators


Why your video editing isn’t good enough? How about some creative inspo?

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Shortcuts to Boost TikTok Followers

Undoubtedly, becoming famous on TikTok is very attractive for lots of TikTok users. No one will be unhappy when he(she) saw the increasing followers of his(her) account, which is closer to his(her) dream of becoming a well-known TikTok influencer. As a result, many TikTokers start to look for the fastest way of getting free TikTok followers.

Here are several apps that may help you achieve your goal.

1. TikFans

As one of the largest TikTok community in the world, TikTokers are able to help each other here to boost account in different aspects like growing free likes and followers. Importantly, this app is free to use.


2. InstaFollowers

InstaFollowers is another tool that you can not only grow Instagram followers but also boost your account on other social media platforms including Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. You can choose its free trial before deciding to buy followers.


Source: instafollowers.co

I have to admit the shortcuts of growing TikTok followers are really attractive. However, every coin has two sides. Have you ever thought about the engagement rate of your content if the followers are not real? In the long run, I suggest you could try other tips to skyrocket growth On TikTok. Just keep reading.

How to Get Free Followers on TikTok?

Creating short music videos and posting them online, demands a lot of work because you have to select the song you’re going to use, capture the footage perfectly and edit it before you can share a video on your TikTok profile. Throughout all of the stages of this process, there are things you can do that can help you attract a broad audience, so let’s take a look at some of the best ways to increase the reach of your videos.

This is a simple and effective way to gain the attention of TikTok’s most influential users. Pinpoint the most successful Musers in your niche and follow and unfollow them until they follow you back. Although it may seem silly, this strategy actually works, because, after enough attempts, your favorite members of the platform will look at your profile, and follow you back if they like what they see. Try to comment on their videos, because TikTok stars share on their profiles can potentially increase the chances of being followed back, especially if your comments are always on point. Some of the people whose work you appreciate maybe even willing to share their secrets and help you get more followers.

2. Make Your Profile Look Charming

Charming Profile on TikTok

Every little detail matters when it comes to optimizing your profile. The profile picture, username, or the personal information you provide can all leave a strong impression on people who visit your profile. A long username that is hard to remember isn’t going to help you gain more recognition, mostly because everyone is going to forget it soon after they hear it. Pick a short and catchy username that stands out and try avoiding using different usernames on different social media accounts. Let others know what types of videos they can expect from you by mentioning that you love making fitness videos, vlogs, or simple music videos in which you showcase your singing talents. However, it is also indispensable to be as specific as you can, so besides saying that you’re producing fitness videos, it’s also helpful if you mention that you’re making yoga or aerobics videos. Your profile is the first step to establishing communication with new followers, which is why it is important to do everything you can to encourage others to hit the follow button and start communicating with you.

3. Participate in Viral Challenges

Following the latest social media trends is necessary because it enables you to see what other types of content are popular at the moment. Viral challenges, like the recent Kiki challenge, often involve singing and dancing to a popular song, which is why they are a great choice of content for the TikTok platform that is mostly dedicated to music videos. Using trending hashtags in the posts you share on your profile will make your viral challenge videos visible to millions of people, and it can increase your number of followers drastically in just a few days. In addition, a challenge can inspire you to explore a specific topic or a music genre further and help you build an easily recognizable style that can expand the size of your fanbase.

4. Post Your Videos on Other Social Networks

Don’t limit yourself to just one social media account because if you do so, you won’t be able to reach the audiences on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram. Facebook alone has 2 billion active users each month, while the size of the audience on YouTube isn’t much smaller. Managing accounts on several social networks under the same name is also an effective way to build your online reputation because people will remember the name they saw on one platform. As a result, they will start following you on the other. Posting music and all various types of videos on multiple social media accounts also means that they are going to be shared by a larger number of people.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Collaborate with Others

Being a one-man or a one-woman show doesn’t always pay off, especially if you’re just starting out. Recording a duo with an equally talented friend or making any other type of collab video can have a positive impact on the size of your fanbase. It is important to choose the people you work with carefully because content creators that already have a lot of followers might not be interested in collaborating with you if the number of followers you have is significantly lower than theirs. The people you choose to work with should also share your passion for the type of video you’re hoping to create since there is no point in inviting someone to make a comedy video with you if their main interest is in fashion. After selecting the person, you’re going to collaborate with. You can use the TikTok’s Duet option that offers an easy way to create a music video with someone who shares your taste in music.

6. Use Video Editing Apps to Make Impressive Videos

All videos, regardless of how short they are, benefit from the video editing process. You don’t have to use professional video editor like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut to edit the videos you share on TikTok, because some other video editing apps offer more eye-catching filters and effects to make a captivating short music video. One of them is Filmora . The TikTok app enables you to remove all unwanted parts of the video clips you recorded, and it also features a rich library of visual effects, but it lacks some more advanced video editing options. If you’d like to create the ghost effect or to clone yourself using apps such as Video Star, Triller or MuStar is a much better option, because they offer a wider range of video editing tools than TikTok. You can also learn more user-created content from User Gallery to empower video creation.

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7. Be Unique and Innovative

Find your own voice, because everyone else’s voice is already taken. If you try to imitate the content other creators produce, you’ll never find your own distinctive style. What’s more, the viewers of your video can easily see if you’re really enjoying making the video or not, and in many cases, that may be the reason why they decide to skip hitting the follow button. Chose topics that you’re passionate about because if you’re just following the trends, the content you produce may seem generic. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box and do something new every once in a while. Just to see how your followers react. More often than not, you’ll discover something your fans adore, and you’ll attract new followers that liked your eagerness to try out new things.

8. Keep Things Short and Concise

It is not possible to record videos with the TikTok app that last longer than sixty seconds. Therefore, sticking to the one-minute limit is probably the best way to ensure that your followers watch all videos you post on your account from the beginning until the end. There is no time limit for videos you upload to your account, so you can use your phone’s camera app to make videos that are longer than one minute. However, you should tread carefully since the longer duration of a video can discourage viewers from watching the entire video. Producing short music videos can be a challenging task, but it is also a great way to showcase your creativity and inspire others to follow your work.

9. You’re Entertainer, Act Like One

Entertainer on TikTok

How can you expect others to have fun while watching your videos, if you don’t have fun making them? Be spontaneous, and enjoy your time in front of the camera. That way you can always keep the spectator guessing what you’re going to do next. Put on a good show, that will leave the viewers of your videos wanting to see more. You can accomplish this by adding a lot of humor to the video or by simply enjoying the moment and going with the flow. Even though there are no recipes to the success of the content you post on the TikTok platform, focusing on your performance while remembering to be funny at times is going to help you increase the number of followers.

10. Post New Content At Magic Hours

Sharing new content at least twice a day will eventually get you a massive following, because it will improve the exposure your videos are getting, but you also have to post videos at the right time. The magic posting hours on TikTok are between 11 am and 5 pm as your followers and their friends are most likely to use the app in that time frame. Get to know your audience and try to understand how frequently and at which hours they’re using the TikTok app. This will help you create a posting schedule that minimizes the chances of posting videos during parts of the day when they get the least amount of exposure.


Be different, be unique, and provide high-quality entertainment to your followers. Try to offer something fresh that will sweep your audience off their feet. The TikTok app features a nearly endless supply of music and video editing options that enable you to express your creativity freely. However, just producing great videos is not enough to attract large audiences since you also have to employ your marketing skills if you want to grow your fanbase. Which strategies for growing followers do you use? Leave a comment and let us know.

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Shanoon Cox

Shanoon Cox is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Shanoon Cox

The Key Elements of a High-Impact TikTok Promotion

The young audiences commonly use TikTok, with over 60% of its users aged between 10 and 29 years. The users range from influencers, individuals who use it for entertainment, and brands to gain authority and awareness. In 2020, most people spent their days at home, making its popularity explode. Conclusively, the marketing opportunities increased.

Individuals and brands can promote their businesses using the TikTok campaign. The high engagement of the young audience, as mentioned earlier, makes the app outstanding. 90% of the young audience accesses the app several times a day. The high accessibility guarantees broad reach. The breakthrough within the app is very high as compared to other apps. It ensures all videos have easy engagement. Despite you having a small circle, your videos can still go viral. The app’s design with TikTok campaigns helps businesses grow since you can easily access influencers and users within a limited physical location.

In this article

01 What are TikTok Campaigns?

02 Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking

03 Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

04 Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

Part 1: What are TikTok Campaigns?

If you intend on marketing to younger adults, especially women, then TikTok is the best platform. It makes this option be a natural fit. Women make up almost half the total number of users aged between 18 and 24 years in the advertising audience.

The largest TikTok audience is in the United States, with over 120,768,500 people. The percentage of adults within the app is the most exciting part. All TikTok ads can reach other countries apart from American content. They can reach Asia and the Middle East as well undoubtedly.

Ads on the TikTok ad campaign offer excellent reach if you intend to work with an international audience.

The question now is who needs to invest in TikTok advertisement? Brands with a range of audiences may find TikTok is a better platform to test their campaigns. Ads in the TikTok app are better for the following:

  • Brands that aim at marketing to customers aged 35 and below
  • Brands that target young women, especially those aged from18 to 25 years
  • Brands hoping to build a strong presence in Africa, the Middle East, or Asia

Types of TikTok ads/TikTok Brand Campaigns

The below-mentioned best TikTok campaigns or ads are all kinds of successful TikTok campaigns that you will likely encounter while navigating through the TikTok app. The ads are limited, and not all can be accessed or seen in all areas.

1. In-feed ads

They are self-service ads that you can create through the TikTok Ad Manager interface.

2. Image ads

These ads only run in TikTok News Feeds apps like Babe, BuzzVideo, and TopBuzz. They include brand or app name, ad text, and an image.

3. Video ads

Videos here run from 5-60 seconds. Just as the image ads, they also include a brand and app name and ad text. Additionally, it consists of a video and an ad display image.

tiktok video ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

4. Spark ads

They allow your brand to boost organic content from other users or your account. Research conducted by TikTok has shown that these types of ads have a 24% higher competition rate and a 142% higher engagement rate than In-Feed ads.

5. Pangle Ads

They include Ads placed through the TikTok Audience Network.

It only runs in TikTok’s News Feed apps, including 10 images with unique captions per ad.

tiktok carousel ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking


netflix tiktok campaign

Source: mediakix.com

Research has shown Netflix to be the second most followed brand behind Flighthouse on TikTok. Netflix has a massive pool of original content. The majority of the clips consist of interviews with actors, humorous skits, and video clips from the latest shows. Averagely three posts are posted on TikTok by Netflix within a day. The videos gain an average of over one million followers monthly.

The leading advertiser on TikTok is Netflix and produces one extensive scale TikTok campaign on average every month. For them, User-generated content has worked very well. Their #WhatsYourPower AR branded effect got used by over 112,000 people. It is likely the most significant amount of U.G.C. for any brand on TikTok so far.

elf cosmetics tiktok campaign

Cosmetic brand e.l.f. is a frontrunner in the best beauty brands on successful TikTok campaign examples. It is one of the first beauty brands to market through TikTok. The beauty brand recently created an NFT collection that promotes cryptocurrency, and the group launched its Twitch channel.


amazon tiktok

Amazon understands marketing, so they use the TikTok influence to market their services with five accounts on TikTok run by Amazon. The five accounts are @amazonprimevideo, @amazonmusic,@amazonfashion, @amazon, and @primestudent. Among the five, Amazon Prime Video has the most followers, over 6.7M followers. The brand can launch great, traditional ads, and they have occasionally done that.

Amazon is the third most hashtag-challenged brand on TikTok, with Netflix and Kraft Foods leading the pack. They recognize influencers’ potential, which is why they partnered with over 40 micro and mega influencers in a single Amazon Fashion campaign as one of the best TikTok campaign ideas to carry their #PajamaJam challenge to the next level.


gymshark tiktok

It possesses a great example of how jumping on trends pays off. They first published in April 2018 after joining TikTok out of the blues. Despite their content not being revolutionary, they make up for it with consistency.

The brand posts high-quality videos consistently and has a good understanding of its audience’s desire. It shares workout videos, motivational content, and a solid mix of memes which have helped them earn over 3.3M fans.


marc Jacobs tiktok

Marc Jacobs mastered the art of TikTok duets and TikTok brand campaigns and propelled it to be one of the most followed brands on TikTok. The question is, how did this come to pass? The company launches branded Hashtag Challenges in the form of TikTok adverts, and each time, the TikTok duet feature is utilized. Their #PerfectAsIAm campaign, which constituted duets with Rickey Thompson and other three influencers in summer 2020, ended with 10.4B views. The brand followed up with a second #PerfectAsWeAre campaign in June 202. The challenge aimed at encouraging self-love, celebrating pride and individuality. Three massive TikTok influencers JojoSiwa, Bretman Rock, and Rickey Thompson, were featured. Over 13.7 B views and more than 2,000K U.G.C. accumulated from their campaigns.


dunkin tiktok

Dunkin is undoubtedly one of the best food brands on TikTok. It has more than 21 million likes and over three million followers. Its popularity with Gen Z on TikTok comes from their endorsement with TikTok star Charli D’Amelio.

In a smart move, a long-term sponsorship with Charli solidified their influence since he was already a proud Dunkin’ patron. Dunkin’ beverages appeared in over 120 of her TikToks, mostly unsponsored products.


Flighthouse tiktok campaign

The most followed brand account on TikTok is Flighthouse running one of the successful TikTok campaigns. It has over 30 million followers, and it specializes in producing viral social media content, especially on TikTok. Videos from this brand have more likes than any other branded account, ranking it fourth amongst the most liked accounts on TikTok.

For comparison, Flighthouse has over one billion more likes than Michael Le, a TikTok star with 50M followers. So far, Flighthouse has produced 4,300 TikToks, a greater content volume than any other brand on the app.


red bull tiktok

What brands do well on TikTok? Any brand which can provide entertainment can do well. Red Bull is one of the largest branded content producers. Red Bul has posted over 2,660 videos so far, which is much higher than Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae, two of TikTok’s most worthy influencers.

There are an average of two posts made by Red Bull in a day and receive around 1.2 million likes every month. Much of its content is unique and also incorporates humor into its strategy. They share a hilarious flop for every terrifying trick. The trick has far been effective at ensuring their audience still has attention for them.


blue diamond tiktok

One of the newest brands in TikTok is the Blue Diamond Almonds brand, wherein a lot of research was conducted. It had no prior TikTok presence till June 2021. This time, they launched an enticing food challenge that highlighted their new line of spicy almonds.

So far, it has received over 11.6 B views. After partnering with three food influencers, the #28XTREMES challenge got promoted. The sponsored video with food creator @colincreates received 322 likes and over 10.1M views, thus becoming his most viewed video ever. The most significant impact of its success is the evidence that nothing is too limited. With a good strategy, everything is possible.


dicks sporting tiktok

DICK’s Sporting Goods does not have the most considerable TikTok presence as it only has around 42.1K followers. However, their efforts paid off when they tried experimenting with TikTok. #NewFitFeelin, their first Branded Hashtag challenge, involved six influencers and inspired 1,136 pieces of U.G.C. It came to pass without using any Branded Effects.

They utilized TikTok’s Branded Effect option during their second campaign, WelcomeBack. The campaign has accumulated 7,020 UGC despite being launched at the beginning of August 2021. An impressive 500%+ rise in U.G.C. got recorded due to the Branded Effect usage.

Part 3: Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

To successfully launch your first TikTok campaign, check out these five tips!

1. Create Your TikTok Pixel and Events

TikTok has an events manager tool to run TikTok ad campaigns that allow you to track activities and app events on your website, just as other social channels use a piece of code. The TikTok pixel integrates well with Google Tag Manager and Shopify. An option is also available to manually install the pixel in your website’s header.

Once the base code of pixel installs on your site, you will get prompted to set the event rules using either Developer Mode or Standard Mode. You can select any above methods based on your conversion and business path.

2. Craft Custom Audiences and Create Lookalikes from Them

Take a second to make custom audiences depending upon app or website activity and your customer lists once your pixel installs. After that, develop lookalikes of those audiences.

The similar will come in handy when you’re making target audiences for such campaigns, and you’ll be able to eliminate some of your groups of ads to allow better waste management.

3. Create Target Audiences that Aren’t Too Small

There are around 80 million TikTok users in the U.S. That’s a considerable number, though!

On TikTok, those same targeting parameters would yield an audience size of 35K monthly active users. So, you need to focus on a pretty large target audience and create a niche around them.

4. Develop Video Ads Made with TikTok Trends in Mind

You’re interrupting someone’s feed with a brand ad that the user didn’t ask for but got anyway. Your content should be captivating, designed with TikTok consumption in mind, and concise.

5. Use Excellent Tool to Create Ads

Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use app for editing videos. We highly recommend it for editing perfect ads for TikTok. With this editing software app, you can add logos, images, and creative videos at any position. There are multiple filters, effects, and elements you can choose from to make perfect edits on TikTok campaigns.

Wondershare Filmora

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Part 4: Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

1 - Are TikTok Ads Campaigns Effective?

The platform’s growing audience makes TikTok good for advertising. Its audience spans more than 150 countries, and it was one of the most downloaded apps worldwide in 2020. Additionally, you can place TikTok ads on the platform’s other products. With TikTok, you can target the right audience using location, interests, age, or gender.

2 - How does TikTok Promote Work?

TikTok app promotes work by helping people discover your videos which results in gaining followers. Additionally, more people get guided to your website. As you enable your video, it will display as an ad.

3 - How can I boost my TikTok Post?

For more detailed instructions, visit the TikTok Help Center or Visit ‘Promote’ in your TikTok app to get started.

Here’s how Promote works

  • Choose a video that you want to promote (can be from a TikTok account)
  • Set up your promotion
  • Watch your numbers grow


These examples of TikTok campaigns and TikTok campaigns indicate that we are in a new era of advertising. The best tools for advertising are no longer Simple ads or platforms but the latest social media sites like TikTok, which is the best tool to target your audience in a more meaningful and relevant way. Instead, advertising in a creative manner is the current recipe for growth, and so it is better to adapt to the ever-changing consumer preferences regarding content type and channels. Ads should make the brand likable, relevant, and timely — pleasant, not ignored, and repulsive. The TikTok ad campaign, with its many forms, allows brands to take an engaging approach that offers higher user engagement.

In this article

01 What are TikTok Campaigns?

02 Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking

03 Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

04 Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

Part 1: What are TikTok Campaigns?

If you intend on marketing to younger adults, especially women, then TikTok is the best platform. It makes this option be a natural fit. Women make up almost half the total number of users aged between 18 and 24 years in the advertising audience.

The largest TikTok audience is in the United States, with over 120,768,500 people. The percentage of adults within the app is the most exciting part. All TikTok ads can reach other countries apart from American content. They can reach Asia and the Middle East as well undoubtedly.

Ads on the TikTok ad campaign offer excellent reach if you intend to work with an international audience.

The question now is who needs to invest in TikTok advertisement? Brands with a range of audiences may find TikTok is a better platform to test their campaigns. Ads in the TikTok app are better for the following:

  • Brands that aim at marketing to customers aged 35 and below
  • Brands that target young women, especially those aged from18 to 25 years
  • Brands hoping to build a strong presence in Africa, the Middle East, or Asia

Types of TikTok ads/TikTok Brand Campaigns

The below-mentioned best TikTok campaigns or ads are all kinds of successful TikTok campaigns that you will likely encounter while navigating through the TikTok app. The ads are limited, and not all can be accessed or seen in all areas.

1. In-feed ads

They are self-service ads that you can create through the TikTok Ad Manager interface.

2. Image ads

These ads only run in TikTok News Feeds apps like Babe, BuzzVideo, and TopBuzz. They include brand or app name, ad text, and an image.

3. Video ads

Videos here run from 5-60 seconds. Just as the image ads, they also include a brand and app name and ad text. Additionally, it consists of a video and an ad display image.

tiktok video ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

4. Spark ads

They allow your brand to boost organic content from other users or your account. Research conducted by TikTok has shown that these types of ads have a 24% higher competition rate and a 142% higher engagement rate than In-Feed ads.

5. Pangle Ads

They include Ads placed through the TikTok Audience Network.

It only runs in TikTok’s News Feed apps, including 10 images with unique captions per ad.

tiktok carousel ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking


netflix tiktok campaign

Source: mediakix.com

Research has shown Netflix to be the second most followed brand behind Flighthouse on TikTok. Netflix has a massive pool of original content. The majority of the clips consist of interviews with actors, humorous skits, and video clips from the latest shows. Averagely three posts are posted on TikTok by Netflix within a day. The videos gain an average of over one million followers monthly.

The leading advertiser on TikTok is Netflix and produces one extensive scale TikTok campaign on average every month. For them, User-generated content has worked very well. Their #WhatsYourPower AR branded effect got used by over 112,000 people. It is likely the most significant amount of U.G.C. for any brand on TikTok so far.

elf cosmetics tiktok campaign

Cosmetic brand e.l.f. is a frontrunner in the best beauty brands on successful TikTok campaign examples. It is one of the first beauty brands to market through TikTok. The beauty brand recently created an NFT collection that promotes cryptocurrency, and the group launched its Twitch channel.


amazon tiktok

Amazon understands marketing, so they use the TikTok influence to market their services with five accounts on TikTok run by Amazon. The five accounts are @amazonprimevideo, @amazonmusic,@amazonfashion, @amazon, and @primestudent. Among the five, Amazon Prime Video has the most followers, over 6.7M followers. The brand can launch great, traditional ads, and they have occasionally done that.

Amazon is the third most hashtag-challenged brand on TikTok, with Netflix and Kraft Foods leading the pack. They recognize influencers’ potential, which is why they partnered with over 40 micro and mega influencers in a single Amazon Fashion campaign as one of the best TikTok campaign ideas to carry their #PajamaJam challenge to the next level.


gymshark tiktok

It possesses a great example of how jumping on trends pays off. They first published in April 2018 after joining TikTok out of the blues. Despite their content not being revolutionary, they make up for it with consistency.

The brand posts high-quality videos consistently and has a good understanding of its audience’s desire. It shares workout videos, motivational content, and a solid mix of memes which have helped them earn over 3.3M fans.


marc Jacobs tiktok

Marc Jacobs mastered the art of TikTok duets and TikTok brand campaigns and propelled it to be one of the most followed brands on TikTok. The question is, how did this come to pass? The company launches branded Hashtag Challenges in the form of TikTok adverts, and each time, the TikTok duet feature is utilized. Their #PerfectAsIAm campaign, which constituted duets with Rickey Thompson and other three influencers in summer 2020, ended with 10.4B views. The brand followed up with a second #PerfectAsWeAre campaign in June 202. The challenge aimed at encouraging self-love, celebrating pride and individuality. Three massive TikTok influencers JojoSiwa, Bretman Rock, and Rickey Thompson, were featured. Over 13.7 B views and more than 2,000K U.G.C. accumulated from their campaigns.


dunkin tiktok

Dunkin is undoubtedly one of the best food brands on TikTok. It has more than 21 million likes and over three million followers. Its popularity with Gen Z on TikTok comes from their endorsement with TikTok star Charli D’Amelio.

In a smart move, a long-term sponsorship with Charli solidified their influence since he was already a proud Dunkin’ patron. Dunkin’ beverages appeared in over 120 of her TikToks, mostly unsponsored products.


Flighthouse tiktok campaign

The most followed brand account on TikTok is Flighthouse running one of the successful TikTok campaigns. It has over 30 million followers, and it specializes in producing viral social media content, especially on TikTok. Videos from this brand have more likes than any other branded account, ranking it fourth amongst the most liked accounts on TikTok.

For comparison, Flighthouse has over one billion more likes than Michael Le, a TikTok star with 50M followers. So far, Flighthouse has produced 4,300 TikToks, a greater content volume than any other brand on the app.


red bull tiktok

What brands do well on TikTok? Any brand which can provide entertainment can do well. Red Bull is one of the largest branded content producers. Red Bul has posted over 2,660 videos so far, which is much higher than Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae, two of TikTok’s most worthy influencers.

There are an average of two posts made by Red Bull in a day and receive around 1.2 million likes every month. Much of its content is unique and also incorporates humor into its strategy. They share a hilarious flop for every terrifying trick. The trick has far been effective at ensuring their audience still has attention for them.


blue diamond tiktok

One of the newest brands in TikTok is the Blue Diamond Almonds brand, wherein a lot of research was conducted. It had no prior TikTok presence till June 2021. This time, they launched an enticing food challenge that highlighted their new line of spicy almonds.

So far, it has received over 11.6 B views. After partnering with three food influencers, the #28XTREMES challenge got promoted. The sponsored video with food creator @colincreates received 322 likes and over 10.1M views, thus becoming his most viewed video ever. The most significant impact of its success is the evidence that nothing is too limited. With a good strategy, everything is possible.


dicks sporting tiktok

DICK’s Sporting Goods does not have the most considerable TikTok presence as it only has around 42.1K followers. However, their efforts paid off when they tried experimenting with TikTok. #NewFitFeelin, their first Branded Hashtag challenge, involved six influencers and inspired 1,136 pieces of U.G.C. It came to pass without using any Branded Effects.

They utilized TikTok’s Branded Effect option during their second campaign, WelcomeBack. The campaign has accumulated 7,020 UGC despite being launched at the beginning of August 2021. An impressive 500%+ rise in U.G.C. got recorded due to the Branded Effect usage.

Part 3: Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

To successfully launch your first TikTok campaign, check out these five tips!

1. Create Your TikTok Pixel and Events

TikTok has an events manager tool to run TikTok ad campaigns that allow you to track activities and app events on your website, just as other social channels use a piece of code. The TikTok pixel integrates well with Google Tag Manager and Shopify. An option is also available to manually install the pixel in your website’s header.

Once the base code of pixel installs on your site, you will get prompted to set the event rules using either Developer Mode or Standard Mode. You can select any above methods based on your conversion and business path.

2. Craft Custom Audiences and Create Lookalikes from Them

Take a second to make custom audiences depending upon app or website activity and your customer lists once your pixel installs. After that, develop lookalikes of those audiences.

The similar will come in handy when you’re making target audiences for such campaigns, and you’ll be able to eliminate some of your groups of ads to allow better waste management.

3. Create Target Audiences that Aren’t Too Small

There are around 80 million TikTok users in the U.S. That’s a considerable number, though!

On TikTok, those same targeting parameters would yield an audience size of 35K monthly active users. So, you need to focus on a pretty large target audience and create a niche around them.

4. Develop Video Ads Made with TikTok Trends in Mind

You’re interrupting someone’s feed with a brand ad that the user didn’t ask for but got anyway. Your content should be captivating, designed with TikTok consumption in mind, and concise.

5. Use Excellent Tool to Create Ads

Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use app for editing videos. We highly recommend it for editing perfect ads for TikTok. With this editing software app, you can add logos, images, and creative videos at any position. There are multiple filters, effects, and elements you can choose from to make perfect edits on TikTok campaigns.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

filmorax boxpng

Part 4: Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

1 - Are TikTok Ads Campaigns Effective?

The platform’s growing audience makes TikTok good for advertising. Its audience spans more than 150 countries, and it was one of the most downloaded apps worldwide in 2020. Additionally, you can place TikTok ads on the platform’s other products. With TikTok, you can target the right audience using location, interests, age, or gender.

2 - How does TikTok Promote Work?

TikTok app promotes work by helping people discover your videos which results in gaining followers. Additionally, more people get guided to your website. As you enable your video, it will display as an ad.

3 - How can I boost my TikTok Post?

For more detailed instructions, visit the TikTok Help Center or Visit ‘Promote’ in your TikTok app to get started.

Here’s how Promote works

  • Choose a video that you want to promote (can be from a TikTok account)
  • Set up your promotion
  • Watch your numbers grow


These examples of TikTok campaigns and TikTok campaigns indicate that we are in a new era of advertising. The best tools for advertising are no longer Simple ads or platforms but the latest social media sites like TikTok, which is the best tool to target your audience in a more meaningful and relevant way. Instead, advertising in a creative manner is the current recipe for growth, and so it is better to adapt to the ever-changing consumer preferences regarding content type and channels. Ads should make the brand likable, relevant, and timely — pleasant, not ignored, and repulsive. The TikTok ad campaign, with its many forms, allows brands to take an engaging approach that offers higher user engagement.

In this article

01 What are TikTok Campaigns?

02 Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking

03 Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

04 Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

Part 1: What are TikTok Campaigns?

If you intend on marketing to younger adults, especially women, then TikTok is the best platform. It makes this option be a natural fit. Women make up almost half the total number of users aged between 18 and 24 years in the advertising audience.

The largest TikTok audience is in the United States, with over 120,768,500 people. The percentage of adults within the app is the most exciting part. All TikTok ads can reach other countries apart from American content. They can reach Asia and the Middle East as well undoubtedly.

Ads on the TikTok ad campaign offer excellent reach if you intend to work with an international audience.

The question now is who needs to invest in TikTok advertisement? Brands with a range of audiences may find TikTok is a better platform to test their campaigns. Ads in the TikTok app are better for the following:

  • Brands that aim at marketing to customers aged 35 and below
  • Brands that target young women, especially those aged from18 to 25 years
  • Brands hoping to build a strong presence in Africa, the Middle East, or Asia

Types of TikTok ads/TikTok Brand Campaigns

The below-mentioned best TikTok campaigns or ads are all kinds of successful TikTok campaigns that you will likely encounter while navigating through the TikTok app. The ads are limited, and not all can be accessed or seen in all areas.

1. In-feed ads

They are self-service ads that you can create through the TikTok Ad Manager interface.

2. Image ads

These ads only run in TikTok News Feeds apps like Babe, BuzzVideo, and TopBuzz. They include brand or app name, ad text, and an image.

3. Video ads

Videos here run from 5-60 seconds. Just as the image ads, they also include a brand and app name and ad text. Additionally, it consists of a video and an ad display image.

tiktok video ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

4. Spark ads

They allow your brand to boost organic content from other users or your account. Research conducted by TikTok has shown that these types of ads have a 24% higher competition rate and a 142% higher engagement rate than In-Feed ads.

5. Pangle Ads

They include Ads placed through the TikTok Audience Network.

It only runs in TikTok’s News Feed apps, including 10 images with unique captions per ad.

tiktok carousel ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking


netflix tiktok campaign

Source: mediakix.com

Research has shown Netflix to be the second most followed brand behind Flighthouse on TikTok. Netflix has a massive pool of original content. The majority of the clips consist of interviews with actors, humorous skits, and video clips from the latest shows. Averagely three posts are posted on TikTok by Netflix within a day. The videos gain an average of over one million followers monthly.

The leading advertiser on TikTok is Netflix and produces one extensive scale TikTok campaign on average every month. For them, User-generated content has worked very well. Their #WhatsYourPower AR branded effect got used by over 112,000 people. It is likely the most significant amount of U.G.C. for any brand on TikTok so far.

elf cosmetics tiktok campaign

Cosmetic brand e.l.f. is a frontrunner in the best beauty brands on successful TikTok campaign examples. It is one of the first beauty brands to market through TikTok. The beauty brand recently created an NFT collection that promotes cryptocurrency, and the group launched its Twitch channel.


amazon tiktok

Amazon understands marketing, so they use the TikTok influence to market their services with five accounts on TikTok run by Amazon. The five accounts are @amazonprimevideo, @amazonmusic,@amazonfashion, @amazon, and @primestudent. Among the five, Amazon Prime Video has the most followers, over 6.7M followers. The brand can launch great, traditional ads, and they have occasionally done that.

Amazon is the third most hashtag-challenged brand on TikTok, with Netflix and Kraft Foods leading the pack. They recognize influencers’ potential, which is why they partnered with over 40 micro and mega influencers in a single Amazon Fashion campaign as one of the best TikTok campaign ideas to carry their #PajamaJam challenge to the next level.


gymshark tiktok

It possesses a great example of how jumping on trends pays off. They first published in April 2018 after joining TikTok out of the blues. Despite their content not being revolutionary, they make up for it with consistency.

The brand posts high-quality videos consistently and has a good understanding of its audience’s desire. It shares workout videos, motivational content, and a solid mix of memes which have helped them earn over 3.3M fans.


marc Jacobs tiktok

Marc Jacobs mastered the art of TikTok duets and TikTok brand campaigns and propelled it to be one of the most followed brands on TikTok. The question is, how did this come to pass? The company launches branded Hashtag Challenges in the form of TikTok adverts, and each time, the TikTok duet feature is utilized. Their #PerfectAsIAm campaign, which constituted duets with Rickey Thompson and other three influencers in summer 2020, ended with 10.4B views. The brand followed up with a second #PerfectAsWeAre campaign in June 202. The challenge aimed at encouraging self-love, celebrating pride and individuality. Three massive TikTok influencers JojoSiwa, Bretman Rock, and Rickey Thompson, were featured. Over 13.7 B views and more than 2,000K U.G.C. accumulated from their campaigns.


dunkin tiktok

Dunkin is undoubtedly one of the best food brands on TikTok. It has more than 21 million likes and over three million followers. Its popularity with Gen Z on TikTok comes from their endorsement with TikTok star Charli D’Amelio.

In a smart move, a long-term sponsorship with Charli solidified their influence since he was already a proud Dunkin’ patron. Dunkin’ beverages appeared in over 120 of her TikToks, mostly unsponsored products.


Flighthouse tiktok campaign

The most followed brand account on TikTok is Flighthouse running one of the successful TikTok campaigns. It has over 30 million followers, and it specializes in producing viral social media content, especially on TikTok. Videos from this brand have more likes than any other branded account, ranking it fourth amongst the most liked accounts on TikTok.

For comparison, Flighthouse has over one billion more likes than Michael Le, a TikTok star with 50M followers. So far, Flighthouse has produced 4,300 TikToks, a greater content volume than any other brand on the app.


red bull tiktok

What brands do well on TikTok? Any brand which can provide entertainment can do well. Red Bull is one of the largest branded content producers. Red Bul has posted over 2,660 videos so far, which is much higher than Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae, two of TikTok’s most worthy influencers.

There are an average of two posts made by Red Bull in a day and receive around 1.2 million likes every month. Much of its content is unique and also incorporates humor into its strategy. They share a hilarious flop for every terrifying trick. The trick has far been effective at ensuring their audience still has attention for them.


blue diamond tiktok

One of the newest brands in TikTok is the Blue Diamond Almonds brand, wherein a lot of research was conducted. It had no prior TikTok presence till June 2021. This time, they launched an enticing food challenge that highlighted their new line of spicy almonds.

So far, it has received over 11.6 B views. After partnering with three food influencers, the #28XTREMES challenge got promoted. The sponsored video with food creator @colincreates received 322 likes and over 10.1M views, thus becoming his most viewed video ever. The most significant impact of its success is the evidence that nothing is too limited. With a good strategy, everything is possible.


dicks sporting tiktok

DICK’s Sporting Goods does not have the most considerable TikTok presence as it only has around 42.1K followers. However, their efforts paid off when they tried experimenting with TikTok. #NewFitFeelin, their first Branded Hashtag challenge, involved six influencers and inspired 1,136 pieces of U.G.C. It came to pass without using any Branded Effects.

They utilized TikTok’s Branded Effect option during their second campaign, WelcomeBack. The campaign has accumulated 7,020 UGC despite being launched at the beginning of August 2021. An impressive 500%+ rise in U.G.C. got recorded due to the Branded Effect usage.

Part 3: Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

To successfully launch your first TikTok campaign, check out these five tips!

1. Create Your TikTok Pixel and Events

TikTok has an events manager tool to run TikTok ad campaigns that allow you to track activities and app events on your website, just as other social channels use a piece of code. The TikTok pixel integrates well with Google Tag Manager and Shopify. An option is also available to manually install the pixel in your website’s header.

Once the base code of pixel installs on your site, you will get prompted to set the event rules using either Developer Mode or Standard Mode. You can select any above methods based on your conversion and business path.

2. Craft Custom Audiences and Create Lookalikes from Them

Take a second to make custom audiences depending upon app or website activity and your customer lists once your pixel installs. After that, develop lookalikes of those audiences.

The similar will come in handy when you’re making target audiences for such campaigns, and you’ll be able to eliminate some of your groups of ads to allow better waste management.

3. Create Target Audiences that Aren’t Too Small

There are around 80 million TikTok users in the U.S. That’s a considerable number, though!

On TikTok, those same targeting parameters would yield an audience size of 35K monthly active users. So, you need to focus on a pretty large target audience and create a niche around them.

4. Develop Video Ads Made with TikTok Trends in Mind

You’re interrupting someone’s feed with a brand ad that the user didn’t ask for but got anyway. Your content should be captivating, designed with TikTok consumption in mind, and concise.

5. Use Excellent Tool to Create Ads

Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use app for editing videos. We highly recommend it for editing perfect ads for TikTok. With this editing software app, you can add logos, images, and creative videos at any position. There are multiple filters, effects, and elements you can choose from to make perfect edits on TikTok campaigns.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

filmorax boxpng

Part 4: Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

1 - Are TikTok Ads Campaigns Effective?

The platform’s growing audience makes TikTok good for advertising. Its audience spans more than 150 countries, and it was one of the most downloaded apps worldwide in 2020. Additionally, you can place TikTok ads on the platform’s other products. With TikTok, you can target the right audience using location, interests, age, or gender.

2 - How does TikTok Promote Work?

TikTok app promotes work by helping people discover your videos which results in gaining followers. Additionally, more people get guided to your website. As you enable your video, it will display as an ad.

3 - How can I boost my TikTok Post?

For more detailed instructions, visit the TikTok Help Center or Visit ‘Promote’ in your TikTok app to get started.

Here’s how Promote works

  • Choose a video that you want to promote (can be from a TikTok account)
  • Set up your promotion
  • Watch your numbers grow


These examples of TikTok campaigns and TikTok campaigns indicate that we are in a new era of advertising. The best tools for advertising are no longer Simple ads or platforms but the latest social media sites like TikTok, which is the best tool to target your audience in a more meaningful and relevant way. Instead, advertising in a creative manner is the current recipe for growth, and so it is better to adapt to the ever-changing consumer preferences regarding content type and channels. Ads should make the brand likable, relevant, and timely — pleasant, not ignored, and repulsive. The TikTok ad campaign, with its many forms, allows brands to take an engaging approach that offers higher user engagement.

In this article

01 What are TikTok Campaigns?

02 Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking

03 Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

04 Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

Part 1: What are TikTok Campaigns?

If you intend on marketing to younger adults, especially women, then TikTok is the best platform. It makes this option be a natural fit. Women make up almost half the total number of users aged between 18 and 24 years in the advertising audience.

The largest TikTok audience is in the United States, with over 120,768,500 people. The percentage of adults within the app is the most exciting part. All TikTok ads can reach other countries apart from American content. They can reach Asia and the Middle East as well undoubtedly.

Ads on the TikTok ad campaign offer excellent reach if you intend to work with an international audience.

The question now is who needs to invest in TikTok advertisement? Brands with a range of audiences may find TikTok is a better platform to test their campaigns. Ads in the TikTok app are better for the following:

  • Brands that aim at marketing to customers aged 35 and below
  • Brands that target young women, especially those aged from18 to 25 years
  • Brands hoping to build a strong presence in Africa, the Middle East, or Asia

Types of TikTok ads/TikTok Brand Campaigns

The below-mentioned best TikTok campaigns or ads are all kinds of successful TikTok campaigns that you will likely encounter while navigating through the TikTok app. The ads are limited, and not all can be accessed or seen in all areas.

1. In-feed ads

They are self-service ads that you can create through the TikTok Ad Manager interface.

2. Image ads

These ads only run in TikTok News Feeds apps like Babe, BuzzVideo, and TopBuzz. They include brand or app name, ad text, and an image.

3. Video ads

Videos here run from 5-60 seconds. Just as the image ads, they also include a brand and app name and ad text. Additionally, it consists of a video and an ad display image.

tiktok video ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

4. Spark ads

They allow your brand to boost organic content from other users or your account. Research conducted by TikTok has shown that these types of ads have a 24% higher competition rate and a 142% higher engagement rate than In-Feed ads.

5. Pangle Ads

They include Ads placed through the TikTok Audience Network.

It only runs in TikTok’s News Feed apps, including 10 images with unique captions per ad.

tiktok carousel ads

Source: blog.hootsuite.com

Part 2: Top 10 TikTok Ads/ TikTok Brand Campaigns Examples Worth looking


netflix tiktok campaign

Source: mediakix.com

Research has shown Netflix to be the second most followed brand behind Flighthouse on TikTok. Netflix has a massive pool of original content. The majority of the clips consist of interviews with actors, humorous skits, and video clips from the latest shows. Averagely three posts are posted on TikTok by Netflix within a day. The videos gain an average of over one million followers monthly.

The leading advertiser on TikTok is Netflix and produces one extensive scale TikTok campaign on average every month. For them, User-generated content has worked very well. Their #WhatsYourPower AR branded effect got used by over 112,000 people. It is likely the most significant amount of U.G.C. for any brand on TikTok so far.

elf cosmetics tiktok campaign

Cosmetic brand e.l.f. is a frontrunner in the best beauty brands on successful TikTok campaign examples. It is one of the first beauty brands to market through TikTok. The beauty brand recently created an NFT collection that promotes cryptocurrency, and the group launched its Twitch channel.


amazon tiktok

Amazon understands marketing, so they use the TikTok influence to market their services with five accounts on TikTok run by Amazon. The five accounts are @amazonprimevideo, @amazonmusic,@amazonfashion, @amazon, and @primestudent. Among the five, Amazon Prime Video has the most followers, over 6.7M followers. The brand can launch great, traditional ads, and they have occasionally done that.

Amazon is the third most hashtag-challenged brand on TikTok, with Netflix and Kraft Foods leading the pack. They recognize influencers’ potential, which is why they partnered with over 40 micro and mega influencers in a single Amazon Fashion campaign as one of the best TikTok campaign ideas to carry their #PajamaJam challenge to the next level.


gymshark tiktok

It possesses a great example of how jumping on trends pays off. They first published in April 2018 after joining TikTok out of the blues. Despite their content not being revolutionary, they make up for it with consistency.

The brand posts high-quality videos consistently and has a good understanding of its audience’s desire. It shares workout videos, motivational content, and a solid mix of memes which have helped them earn over 3.3M fans.


marc Jacobs tiktok

Marc Jacobs mastered the art of TikTok duets and TikTok brand campaigns and propelled it to be one of the most followed brands on TikTok. The question is, how did this come to pass? The company launches branded Hashtag Challenges in the form of TikTok adverts, and each time, the TikTok duet feature is utilized. Their #PerfectAsIAm campaign, which constituted duets with Rickey Thompson and other three influencers in summer 2020, ended with 10.4B views. The brand followed up with a second #PerfectAsWeAre campaign in June 202. The challenge aimed at encouraging self-love, celebrating pride and individuality. Three massive TikTok influencers JojoSiwa, Bretman Rock, and Rickey Thompson, were featured. Over 13.7 B views and more than 2,000K U.G.C. accumulated from their campaigns.


dunkin tiktok

Dunkin is undoubtedly one of the best food brands on TikTok. It has more than 21 million likes and over three million followers. Its popularity with Gen Z on TikTok comes from their endorsement with TikTok star Charli D’Amelio.

In a smart move, a long-term sponsorship with Charli solidified their influence since he was already a proud Dunkin’ patron. Dunkin’ beverages appeared in over 120 of her TikToks, mostly unsponsored products.


Flighthouse tiktok campaign

The most followed brand account on TikTok is Flighthouse running one of the successful TikTok campaigns. It has over 30 million followers, and it specializes in producing viral social media content, especially on TikTok. Videos from this brand have more likes than any other branded account, ranking it fourth amongst the most liked accounts on TikTok.

For comparison, Flighthouse has over one billion more likes than Michael Le, a TikTok star with 50M followers. So far, Flighthouse has produced 4,300 TikToks, a greater content volume than any other brand on the app.


red bull tiktok

What brands do well on TikTok? Any brand which can provide entertainment can do well. Red Bull is one of the largest branded content producers. Red Bul has posted over 2,660 videos so far, which is much higher than Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae, two of TikTok’s most worthy influencers.

There are an average of two posts made by Red Bull in a day and receive around 1.2 million likes every month. Much of its content is unique and also incorporates humor into its strategy. They share a hilarious flop for every terrifying trick. The trick has far been effective at ensuring their audience still has attention for them.


blue diamond tiktok

One of the newest brands in TikTok is the Blue Diamond Almonds brand, wherein a lot of research was conducted. It had no prior TikTok presence till June 2021. This time, they launched an enticing food challenge that highlighted their new line of spicy almonds.

So far, it has received over 11.6 B views. After partnering with three food influencers, the #28XTREMES challenge got promoted. The sponsored video with food creator @colincreates received 322 likes and over 10.1M views, thus becoming his most viewed video ever. The most significant impact of its success is the evidence that nothing is too limited. With a good strategy, everything is possible.


dicks sporting tiktok

DICK’s Sporting Goods does not have the most considerable TikTok presence as it only has around 42.1K followers. However, their efforts paid off when they tried experimenting with TikTok. #NewFitFeelin, their first Branded Hashtag challenge, involved six influencers and inspired 1,136 pieces of U.G.C. It came to pass without using any Branded Effects.

They utilized TikTok’s Branded Effect option during their second campaign, WelcomeBack. The campaign has accumulated 7,020 UGC despite being launched at the beginning of August 2021. An impressive 500%+ rise in U.G.C. got recorded due to the Branded Effect usage.

Part 3: Tips to Run an Excellent TikTok Ad Campaign

To successfully launch your first TikTok campaign, check out these five tips!

1. Create Your TikTok Pixel and Events

TikTok has an events manager tool to run TikTok ad campaigns that allow you to track activities and app events on your website, just as other social channels use a piece of code. The TikTok pixel integrates well with Google Tag Manager and Shopify. An option is also available to manually install the pixel in your website’s header.

Once the base code of pixel installs on your site, you will get prompted to set the event rules using either Developer Mode or Standard Mode. You can select any above methods based on your conversion and business path.

2. Craft Custom Audiences and Create Lookalikes from Them

Take a second to make custom audiences depending upon app or website activity and your customer lists once your pixel installs. After that, develop lookalikes of those audiences.

The similar will come in handy when you’re making target audiences for such campaigns, and you’ll be able to eliminate some of your groups of ads to allow better waste management.

3. Create Target Audiences that Aren’t Too Small

There are around 80 million TikTok users in the U.S. That’s a considerable number, though!

On TikTok, those same targeting parameters would yield an audience size of 35K monthly active users. So, you need to focus on a pretty large target audience and create a niche around them.

4. Develop Video Ads Made with TikTok Trends in Mind

You’re interrupting someone’s feed with a brand ad that the user didn’t ask for but got anyway. Your content should be captivating, designed with TikTok consumption in mind, and concise.

5. Use Excellent Tool to Create Ads

Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use app for editing videos. We highly recommend it for editing perfect ads for TikTok. With this editing software app, you can add logos, images, and creative videos at any position. There are multiple filters, effects, and elements you can choose from to make perfect edits on TikTok campaigns.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

filmorax boxpng

Part 4: Some FAQs about TikTok Campaigns

1 - Are TikTok Ads Campaigns Effective?

The platform’s growing audience makes TikTok good for advertising. Its audience spans more than 150 countries, and it was one of the most downloaded apps worldwide in 2020. Additionally, you can place TikTok ads on the platform’s other products. With TikTok, you can target the right audience using location, interests, age, or gender.

2 - How does TikTok Promote Work?

TikTok app promotes work by helping people discover your videos which results in gaining followers. Additionally, more people get guided to your website. As you enable your video, it will display as an ad.

3 - How can I boost my TikTok Post?

For more detailed instructions, visit the TikTok Help Center or Visit ‘Promote’ in your TikTok app to get started.

Here’s how Promote works

  • Choose a video that you want to promote (can be from a TikTok account)
  • Set up your promotion
  • Watch your numbers grow


These examples of TikTok campaigns and TikTok campaigns indicate that we are in a new era of advertising. The best tools for advertising are no longer Simple ads or platforms but the latest social media sites like TikTok, which is the best tool to target your audience in a more meaningful and relevant way. Instead, advertising in a creative manner is the current recipe for growth, and so it is better to adapt to the ever-changing consumer preferences regarding content type and channels. Ads should make the brand likable, relevant, and timely — pleasant, not ignored, and repulsive. The TikTok ad campaign, with its many forms, allows brands to take an engaging approach that offers higher user engagement.

Also read:

  • Title: "[New] Swift Success with TikTok Following Key Strategies Unleashed for 2024"
  • Author: Stephen
  • Created at : 2024-05-23 04:15:56
  • Updated at : 2024-05-24 04:15:56
  • Link: https://tiktok-video-recordings.techidaily.com/new-swift-success-with-tiktok-following-key-strategies-unleashed-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
"[New] Swift Success with TikTok Following Key Strategies Unleashed for 2024"